Before I link the chapter, just a few notes.
Firstly, ‘Wolf of the Snowy Fields’ is now ‘Snow Field Wolves’.
Just making that party name shorter.
Secondly, a big change.
The name of the city is now ‘Gilm’, the reason for this being a rather long story.
The name of the city was Girumu.
Even though I had it recorded in my glossary as Girumu, I kept mistyping it as Gimuru for the past 150+ chapters.
Gimuru->Girumu->Gilm->less mistyping name.
Lastly, to help bump series past the current arc, Frozen has chipped in with some chapters.
There will be a few chapters today once I sort them all out.
A shout out to Frozen, check out his site at
If you haven’t yet, Mondaiji and it’s sequel, Lasts Embryo are both great reads.
Finally, here’s Chapter 156.
Translator: Frozen
Editor: SilentNumber