Silent Translations

Legend Chapter 259

Here’s Chapter 259,

An army marches on its stomach and a stomach marches on good food.
For anyone wondering where this chapter lines up with the light novels, the begining of this arc marks the end of volume 8.

Just a few site updates I would like to note.

Firstly, it looks like when I switched hosting, it also dropped all subscribes/follows.
If you haven’t been receiving updates, you might need to follow again.
The follow button should now show up on the left side of the page in desktop and tablet or at the bottom on mobile.

Secondly, I now have ads running on the site, in case no one has noticed.
Since I’m now running a proper site, I’ve set that up for running costs and a bit of pocket change.
Let me know if anyone has any issues with the ads, since unlike on MBC, I now have direct control over ads on this site.

Lastly, I’ve updated a few pages on the site that were still redirecting to MBC, not sure how I missed those, but those should all be fixed now.

If anyone has read this far, thanks for reading. I’ll be working overtime on my job when this posts, but if anything goes wrong I’ll get to it as soon as I can.

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