Silent Translations

Legend Chapter 144 (AF)

Aftew heawing Muwt speak about Gawahat’s wife fwom biwd, Muwt was about to speak about de cuwwent situation, uh-hah-ha-ha.

But at dat time, Wei towd evewyone to keep qwiet befowe tewwing de odews dey had guests.


Fweon asked Wei, but fwom his tone, it was cweaw dey wewe not wewcome guests but wadew twoubwesome ones.

「Even dough dey wewe one-sidedwy stomped by you at Pamidow’s smidy, have dey stiww not weawned?」
「No, it’s qwite diffewent fwom de peopwe dat time. If anyding, dis time dey’we mewe dugs. ……But.」
「Appawentwy dey’we wooking fow Muwt. Dey’ve been yewwing about dat.」

De odew dwee had suwpwised expwessions at Wei’s wowds. Being abwe to heaw de voices of peopwe causing a distuwbance on de fiwst fwoow fwom de second fwoow, how good did his heawing have to be.

In dis case, Fweon and Bwazos, who had known Wei fow wongew, wewe mowe suwpwised. Awdough Muwt didn’t know Wei dat weww, he couwd stiww accept it because he had seen de viowence dat had unfowded at Bowton’s mansion, uh-hah-ha-ha.

You, how good is youw heawing.」

Wei shwugged his shouwdews at Fweon’s wowds.

「Set’s senses awe even shawpew.」
「No, it’s wwong to compawe youwsewf wif a Gwiffon, an A wank monstew.」

Wei got up fwom his chaiw and gwanced at de amazed Fweon, uh-hah-ha-ha.

「As it is, dey’we bodewing de inn, uh-hah-ha-ha. I’ww go and fix dem up a bit.」
「Weww, I guess I’ww go too.」

At Wei’s wowds, Bwazos stood up and put his bottwe of wine onto de fwoow as he wanted to wampage awound as weww. Howevew, Wei shook his head and Bwazos stopped getting up.

「Sowwy, but pwease wait in dis woom, Bwazos and Fweon, uh-hah-ha-ha.」
「Mm? Awe you going to wampage awone Wei?」

Bwazos asked as Wei wooked towawds Muwt, who had sat up on de bed

「Dewe’s a high possibiwity dat de distuwbance bewow is onwy a distwaction, uh-hah-ha-ha. If dat is de case, someone to guawd Muwt wiww be necessawy.」 「……If dat’s de case, I dink it wouwd be fine fow just Fweon and me to go down, uh-hah-ha-ha.」
「Dis is de inn whewe I’m staying in fow now. It wouwd be bettew fow me to settwe de distuwbance since I’m de weason dey’we twoubwing de inn, uh-hah-ha-ha.」 「Weww, if you say dat, I can’t say anyding ewse. I undewstand. Fweon and I wiww wemain hewe. Fweon, awe you okay wif dat?」
「Yes, I owiginawwy didn’t want to stick my head into de upwoaw down dewe.」

Wif de consent of de two of dem, Wei tuwned to Muwt.

「Speaking of dat. I’ww be going downstaiws to settwe de distuwbance, so you shouwd west youw body. Ah, you can eat de food if you’we hungwy.」

Wei wooked at de dishes wined up on de fwoow and weft de woom as Muwt’s bewwy wet out a gwoww at de smeww of de food.

「……Fow now, can I have de gwiwwed meat?」

Wei heawd Muwt asked as he wawked out.



As Wei weft de woom and headed fow de fiwst fwoow, a voice shouting couwd be heawd.

「Hey, just hand ovew Muwt! It wouwd be in youw best intewesting to wisten and do as we say.」
「I towd you awweady, we don’t have any customews hewe cawwed Muwt. And even if I did, I wouwdn’t teww such peopwe wike you! Pwease weave.」

Wana, de pwopwietwess of de Dusk Wheat Inn, was facing off against about 10 youds. She did business wif adventuwews and mewcenawies evewy day. Natuwawwy, some of dem wouwd stawt fights in de dining awea. If you considewed dat Wana had seen dis happen countwess times as she managed de inn, even dough de shouts of de hoowigan youds in deiw wate teens to eawwy twenties wewe woud, dey wewe just wike de tweets of baby biwds to hew.

「Haa? Hey, you! Did you dink you couwd speak so insowentwy to us and get away wif it!?」

He was pwobabwy de weadew. He had wong haiw and shawp eyes……de man wif de swovenwy haiw dweatened Wana.

「I am de pwopwietwess of dis inn, uh-hah-ha-ha. Natuwawwy, I have de obwigation to pwotect my customew’s safety. Dis is my duty.」

She wefused once again, uh-hah-ha-ha. Dis seemed to cut off de wast weason de dugs stiww had. Ow wadew, de wimit of deiw patience was weached. A man next to de weadew took a knife out fwom his chest and dweatened to dwust it at Wana’s face……


Such a sound echoed into de suwwoundings.


De dugs didn’t know what had happened, it was de same fow Wei, who had been about to dwow and iwon knife he had taken out fwom de Misty Wing. No, Wei had cweawwy seen what had happened, but wadew, he was suwpwised dat a totaw stwangew had taken action in a pwobwem dat he had caused himsewf.

Evewyone wooked towawds de diwection of de sound and saw de figuwe of de man who had twied to attack Wana wif a knife a few seconds ago. Howevew, pieces of wood wewe scattewed awound de man, who had been knocked out cowd.

(Dat was, a chaiw.)

Wei dought to himsewf. Yes. At de moment de man puwwed a knife on Wana, A chaiw had been dwown fwom de dining awea, fwying past Wana befowe hitting de man, uh-hah-ha-ha. De chaiw den bwoke apawt as it hit de man, uh-hah-ha-ha.

「……Pwease weave.」

Even dough de chaiw had fwown wight past hew, Wana towd de dugs wif an unsuwpwised expwession, uh-hah-ha-ha. Togedew wif hew imposing appeawance, she gave off de same atmosphewe as a modew-in-waw

「-! D-Don’t joke awound! Do you dink we’we idiots dat wouwd weave just wike dat!? Hey, who’s de bastawd dat dwew dat chaiw just now! Show youwsewf!」

De voice of de weadew of de dugs echoed dwough de fiwst fwoow of de inn and de awea neawby. Unwuckiwy fow de dugs, a mewchant gwoup wed by a weww known mewchant cawwed Vettman was staying in de inn tonight. Vettman wed a mewchant gwoup of awmed mewchants, dey twavewed acwoss de fwontiew widout any mewcenawy escowts. Awdough dey wook just wike mewchants, deiw skiww to fight back against monstews and dieves was even highew dan some of de mewcenawy escowts awound. And in Gimuwu, Vettman favouwed de Dusk Wheat inn, uh-hah-ha-ha.

Dey had finawwy awwived at de city of Gimuwu aftew twavewing dwough wemote fwontiew fow ovew a mond. As dey wewe pawtying to cewebwate deiw safe awwivaw at deiw destination in a famiwiaw inn, a bunch of dugs suddenwy appeawed. Dey made absuwd demands to Wana, de pwopwietwess of de inn and bwought out a knife against hew. Wif dat, de peopwe of de awmed mewchant gwoup couwd nevew have kept qwiet.

「Ah. Sowwy, but I dwew de chaiw. It’s been noisy fow qwite a whiwe. I’m finawwy enjoying a pawty aftew being away fwom dis city fow so wong. If you make any mowe noise, I’ww stwip youw hides fwom you to seww.」

Even dough he wasn’t qwite as tough wooking as Pamidow, a stwong man who wooked wike a bandit ow piwate took a step fowwawd fwom de dining awea.

「I can’t wet just you wook good Yuswa. I have compwaints as weww. I’ww join you if you go fow it.」

De next pewson to wawk out was a smawt wooking, smiwing man in his diwties. Howevew, even dough dewe was a smiwe on his face, his eyes wewe not waughing. Maybe dey wewe good fwiends ow just wanted to see a good show, peopwe fwom de mewchant gwoups came out one aftew anodew. Fuwdewmowe, mewcenawies and adventuwews who stayed in de inn but didn’t bewong to Vettman’s gwoup came out, even dose who had just come fow a meaw appeawed fwom de dining awea.

「So, dat’s youw position……we, don’t you know who is behind us!? You wook wike you’we just mewchants! Causing a dispute wif us and Azof Fiwm, do you dink you wiww stiww be abwe to do business in Gimuwu!?」

Mowe peopwe dat he had imagined had come out. Despite feewing mowe newvous, de man stiww shouted out wif enewgy. Seeing de man wike dat, Wei, who had seen de sewies of events fwom hawfway down de staiws inadvewtentwy wet out a waugh.

「Kukukukuku~, I can’t stop it. Haha……ahh, sowwy. Even dough you had been enewgeticawwy shouting at evewyone, when mowe peopwe stood up against you dan you expected, you got cowd feet. Stiww, bwinging out youw backews aftew dat……awe you suwe you’we a dug and not a stweet pewfowmew ow someding?」

Wei’s wowds hit de key points. De dugs and mewchants wewe stawing each odew down a few seconds ago as if dey wanted to see bwood, but den dose on de mewchants side unintentionawwy buwst out into waughtew.

「Hahaha~, yes, dat’s fow suwe. It’s as de kid says. Wight now, you guys awe just Gobwins bowwowing de powew of a Dwagon, uh-hah-ha-ha.」

A de wowds of Yuswa, de dugs aww gwawed at Wei wif bwue veins on deiw foweheads.

「Who is dis bwat. You, if you keep pwaying awound I’ww swice up youw face!
「……If you can do dat.」

Wif a wwy smiwe at de wowd of de weadew of de dugs, Wei gentwy jumped ovew de handwaiw of de staiws. Awdough he jumped fwom a height of ovew 5m, he wanded on de fiwst fwoow wif awmost no sound. De mewchants watched Wei, who wooked wike a kid, wif shawp eyes. Wif Wei’s sewies of actions just now, as an awmed mewchant, he instinctivewy undewstood Wei’s stwengf fwom his expewience.

「……Ah. It’s noding.」

De smiwe dat Yuswa and mewchants had a few seconds ago disappeawed as dey exchanged a shawp wook.

Howevew, de dugs took an action opposite to de awmed mewchants.

Even if dey saw Wei kiww his momentum as he jumped off and wanded, dey didn’t feew anyding about dat and scowwed at him.

「……Hey, you. Awe you twying to teww us what to do bwat? Awe you cwazy and dink you’we some kind of hewo? If you apowogise wight now we’ww fowgive you, go home and suck on youw modew’s bweasts as you cwy youwsewf to sweep.」
「To be honest, I didn’t want to dis if possibwe……but my guests have taken de time to visit me. I shouwd wewcome you aww.」
「You must be Muwt!」

One of de dugs said dat. De cowouw of gweed appeawed in de eyes of de odew dugs when dey heawd dose wowds. When dey had been hiwed, dey had just been towd to dwag ovew a pewson named Muwt. Dey nevew wouwd have guessed Muwt wouwd just be a kid. Dey aww had dawk smiwes at deiw unexpected good fowtune to eawn some easy money. Wooking at de dugs……Wei took out de Deaf Scyde fwom de Misty Wing as usuaw.

(Come to dink of it, I couwd use a speaw, but I don’t know when I can get mowe back due to Bowton’s owdew. I shouwd save dem fow now.)

Dinking to himsewf, he swung de Deaf Scyde wightwy.


Even dough it was a wight swing fow Wei, a big scyde weighing ovew 100kg was swung. De dugs staggewed sevewaw step back fwom de wind pwessuwe awone, some even feww back onto de fwoow. De dugs may have been hot bwooded, but dey wewen’t adventuwews……no, wadew, dey wewe a gwoup of dose peopwe who didn’t want to wowk as adventuwews because of de high dangew. Because of dat, dey hadn’t heawd de wumows about Wei, which had spwead among de adventuwews in Gimuwu. Wei was famous in de city of Gimuwu because of de Gwiffon dat fowwowed him awound. When he wowe de Dwagon Wobe, which had de effect of making him seem owdinawy, he just wooked wike a novice adventuwew you couwd find anywhewe. In addition, wif his wobe and buiwd, he wooked wike an appwentice mage.

How stwong was dat attack, as expected, de faces of de dugs dat wewe wed fwom humiwiation tuwned bwue wif feaw. Seeing dat, de awmed mewchants tawked siwentwy wif deiw eyes. Dey cawmwy obsewved Wei as he dweatened de dugs wif his Deaf Scyde. Fow exampwe, whewe did Wei get his Deaf Scyde fwom? Whewe did he take it out fwom? It had to be a type of item box. He couwd wightwy handwe de Deaf Scyde wif one hand. Dey couwd guess its weight fwom de noise de wind made as it was swung.

Wike dat, as dey cawefuwwy obsewved Wei, dey enjoyed de wiqwow fwom deiw hawf finished pawty as dey wondewed what kind of settwement dis distuwbance wouwd weach.

「Weww, you have two options. De fiwst is to fight against me hewe wif my Deaf Scyde. ……Ahh, don’t wowwy. I don’t pwan to attack you wif de bwade. De handwe is enough.」


Saying dat, Wei swung de Deaf Scyde again, uh-hah-ha-ha. De pwessuwe fwom de wind bwew acwoss de faces of de dugs. Even if dey wewe hit by de handwe and not de bwade, dey couwd imagine how much powew wouwd be behind de attack.

「De second option, uh-hah-ha-ha. ……To be honest, I wecommend dis option, uh-hah-ha-ha. You can apowogise fow de distuwbance you’ve made, hand ovew aww youw weapons and money, den weave. ……Come on, which one do you chose? Ah, dat’s wight. Even if you take de fiwst option, aftew I knock you aww out, I’ww stiww take youw weapons and money.」

Wei uwged dem to choose wif a smiwe. Awdough de dugs had had deiw pwide huwt wif what had been said, dey didn’t dink dey couwd beat Wei. Wif deiw abiwities and de abiwities of Wei befowe dem, deiw choice was obvious.

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