Silent Translations

10. Wolf

The glass case contained a machine with a small antenna.

“Wolf was a weapon that was banned after a treaty following a particular war. It was particularly effective against robots and androids.”

“What kind of weapon was it?”

“It was a weapon that disrupted the identification of friend and foe. It disabled friendly markers and disrupted visual information, causing everything around you to look like an enemy. In the case of manned weapons, attacks could be aborted, but for autonomous AIs, the battlefield became a hellscape with with numerous records of friendly fire occurring. There was also a later version that was developed some time after.”

A hologram projected a machine with a slightly different shape.

“This one was modified to work on the human brain as well. It damaged the brain, impeding cognition and induced friendly fire between allied forces.”

“This is ridiculous.”

“It seems that this was originally designed for peaceful use, to solve ethnicity problems by inhibiting the recognition of different races and so on. However, it ended up being adapted for military use.”

Would conflict end if enemies and allies could no longer be distinguished?

Who knew.

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