Silent Translations

21. ER04

“This as well……?”

There was a square box-like device labelled ‘ER’.

“This is ER04, or to put it simply, an incapacitation field.”

“What do you mean?”

“When deployed in the field, it neutralises all combat capabilities. Combat robots have their actions restricted, swords break when swung, mutants lose their abilities, gunpowder won’t explode, men and women both have their strength lowered to the level of a baby. You could say that everything loses their ability to resist. It was developed and operated in conjunction with a jammer that allowed whoever possessed it to negate the effects of the field. If someone with a jammer were to attack you while inside the field, it would be very difficult to deal with them.”

It really was a mysterious piece of technology.

“By the way, this thing is always active inside the museum. I’m equipped with a jammer though.”


“Would you like to try arm wrestling?”

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