Silent Translations

25. Paradise Lost

This time, there was a model of a robot.

Its body was covered in capsule like structures and it didn’t seem like it was designed for combat.

“This robot was developed as a specialised weapon against life forms. It is a weapon specialising in ‘contamination’ and was packed with all kinds of things that were harmful to life. The characteristic capsules on its outer armour contain contaminants. Even if the robot itself was destroyed, it boasted the ability to easily contaminate a whole planet if the wreckage fell to the ground. On the other hand, its combat capabilities were below average and destroying it was easy. However, most of the harmful substances on the robot would contaminate most of a planet even if it was destroyed in satellite orbit. The only way to deal with it was to either capture it intact before the capsules could be released or to keep it away from the planet’s gravitational field.”

“Was it actually deployed?”

“Yes. We can confirm that it was dropped on 18 planets, all of which are still contaminated. They say it will be at least 700 million years before sentient life can inhabit them again.”

“Was it banned?”

“Of course it was banned. The negative impact it had on the environment was too great. It seems that about two planets’ worth of signatures were collected to protect the environment.”

I guess that’s reasonable.

“However, a remote camera survey found that those planets ended up becoming a paradise for some primitive plants that have overcome the toxins and that life responses are now actually higher than when people were living there.”

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