Silent Translations

27. Wizard

It was something that was difficult to distinguish.

Since it was displayed here, it probably wasn’t just a statue, but at first glance, it just looked like a huge humanoid statue.

Most of its body was made of a translucent crystal(?). Its core, that looked like a spine, seemed to be made of wood.

“What is this?”

“It’s a combat robot. It’s official name is unknown, but for convenience it was called Wizard. This robot was found rotting away on a swamp planet on the outskirts of the galaxy.”

“A robot?”

“Yes. Its power source is unknown, but it has been confirmed the robot does indeed move. Also, regarding the materials it is made from, the crystal like armour and wood like core. No such material has been identified in this galaxy outside of this robot.”

“Who made it?”

“That’s the problem, this robot is outside of every technological system in the galaxy. It isn’t something that can be created by an individual, so everything about it still remains a mystery. Who made it, why does it work, what is its purpose?”

“What is the origin of its name?”

“Its name was given because something like a magic circle would appear at the joints when it moved. It seemed that the magic circles were calculating some sort of mathematical formula and some researchers analysed it……however, they didn’t get any remarkable results.”

“What did they find out in the end?”

“Almost nothing for certain. Experts predict that there are roughly two possibilities. Ether it came from further out in space, or maybe it came from outside this universe.”

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