Silent Translations

37. Wouldn’t They Die?

“What kind of robot is this?”

“It is equipped with a warp mechanism.”

“A warp mechanism, huh.”

The 10m class robot in the corner of the museum had a gaudy pink colour that stood out like crazy.

“However, it wasn’t that versatile. It was designed to fly between several pre-designated stations throughout the galaxy and wasn’t able to freely move through space. It used what we call warp points.”

“So it’s different from a warp drive?”

“Warp drives use shortcuts in space to reach their destination, but this robot was different. To be exact, this robot didn’t really warp……”

“What do you mean?”

“The robot and pilot would be disassembled into data and reassembled at its destination, allowing it to make a pseudo space jump.”

“Wouldn’t that kill the pilot?”

“That’s what this robot was designed to avoid. A perfect replica of the pilot would be reconstructed at the warp point. The replica would completely inherit the same body and memories and could be considered the exact same person. However, there was no way to know to what extent the pilot maintained their own consciousness and self identity. Maybe the real pilot died with each warp and was just replicated each time……”

It’s something I would rather not try.

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