Silent Translations

13. Space Shark

“Is this a taxidermy?”

A large fish was hung inside a glass case.

“The Space Shark was a cyborg weapon remodelled from an aquatic creature that once existed. At first glance, it looks to be a living creature, but about 70% of its body has been replaced by machines.”

Next to the taxidermied creature, a hologram revealed its cross section.

“How is this weapon supposed to be used? Only underwater?”

“No, as its name implies, it was used in outer space. There is a record of it ‘swimming’ in space. It even ate through the armour of a spaceship.”

“……? …………?????”

There must be some sort of mistake.

“Why a shark?”

“The creators said, ‘We thought sharks would work. Even in space.'”

That’s crazy.

“What were the results?”

“The war ended with the lone creature destroying both enemies and allies.”


“There is a video record of it. ‘Space Sharks’ was released to great acclaim.”

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