Silent Translations

41. Tomorrow

There was a distorted model of a spaceship on display.

It had a fluid, asymmetrical design that was hard to describe. It was as if an artist had worked on it all night, the night before an exhibition.

If you threw water into a freezer, it might end up freezing into something like this.

“What is this?”

It’s a spaceship called Tomorrow. It was a spaceship designed to explore outer space and, in theory, it was possible for it to sail indefinitely without resupply.”


“This ship was the crystallisation of a number of innovative technologies. It could be considering the culmination of human wisdom. It was based on mechanism of the anti-planetary turret, Meteor’s data, SUPER OMEGA MAX’s rare metals, a completed Paradox power reactor, Pandora’s life support system, and so on were combined.”

“Did its journey succeed?”

“The spaceship has flown beyond the reach of our galaxy. It seems the last message we received was a ‘celebration’, but beyond that, only god knows.”

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