Category Archives: Legend

Legend Chapter 404

Here’s Chapter 404,

Chapter 404 not found ahaha.
Of course this happens to be the chapter that release late.
Was too tired last night and ended up deciding to finish the translation in the morning, which took longer than expected, so this is coming out a bit over 30 minutes later than usual.

Legend Chapter 400

Here’s Chapter 400,

Ayy, chapter 400.
I’ll be honest, part of me never really thought I’d get this far when I first started.

Our mismatched party continues their way through the dungeon.

I’ve added back two illustration that was missed in chapter 396 and 398.
396 is Vihera being a tease.

398 is Elena and Vihera going at it.

Legend Chapter 399

Here’s Chapter 399,

Things go about as civilly as one could expect.

Few updates I’ve made to past chapters, the Queen Bee is now capatilised.
I had originally thought it was just a queen of Sword Bees, but looking back, it seems the monster itself is referred to as a Queen Bee and not just queen as a title.

Secondly, Yellow now makes Kyu sounds instead of Kyi sounds. I have no idea how I messed that up, Yellow has been using Kyu for the past 200 chapters and I randomly started using Kyi 30 or so chapters ago and I have no idea why.