Legend Chapter 682

The man who emerged from the crowd didn’t look like someone who would be part of the Third Prince’s faction, a supposed rebel army.

He was no doubt well trained, but even so, Rei’s first impression of him after fighting Count Obrisin was that of a civilian.

However, that was merely the impression his appearance gave. The sheath containing the rapier hanging from his waist looked well used and even his gait suggested a certain level of skill.

He had enough strength to protect himself. That was what Rei felt when he saw him.

The man stepped forward with a smile.

Rei somehow guessed his personality from the man’s pretentious way of walking while being conscious of his surroundings.

The fact that the looks directed towards the man from other members of the Third Prince’s faction were not of contempt made Rei understand the position the man held.

「Tilleyle? Showing up at this timing? You’ve been waiting for your moment for a while now, haven’t you?」

Hearing Count Obrisin mutter to himself, Rei nodded in agreement.

Considering his timing, there was no way he hadn’t been waiting for it.

The man called Tilleyle made a displeased expression at Count Obrisin’s words as he spoke.

「Gurgast, you still like to doing unrefined things. Breaking the silence of this moonlit night.」

「Heh, you’re saying pointlessly complicated things as usual.」

If you just listened to their words, you might think they were harsh on each other. But, there was also a familiarity between them.

Although there was a large age gap between the two, they both served Vihera……or rather, were still serving Vihera.

Either way, after that exchange, Tilleyle turned to look at Rei.

The light in his eyes was different to that of Count Obrisin……nor was it the same as when he had been talking to Gurgast, instead, it was a light intent on assessing the other person.

Rei frowned slightly, being looked at in such a way so soon after meeting, but after considering how he was viewed in the Bestir Empire, it made sense.

「So you’re Rei……Crimson? You seem a little different from the impression I had from what I had heard……」

Muttering to himself, Tilleyle turned to look at Theorem, but all he got in return was a small nod.

「No doubt, huh? Well, he’s certainly not an ordinary adventurer, considering he had to deal with Gurgast and managed to get away with it unscathed……」

Though he was convinced, Tilleyle’s words held a hidden meaning as Rei looked to Theorem.

「So, who’s this guy?」

「Yes. He is……」

Just as Theorem was about to explain, Tilleyle raised his voice, interrupting him.

He spread his hands wide and gestured, as if he were an actor in a play.

「I am Viscount Tilleyle Bugle. My soul was once stolen by Vihera-sama and I was captivated by her presence.」

At Tilleyle’s words, Rei froze for a moment.

His soul had been stolen. He wondered if Tilleyle had used some sort of magic or contract of sorts.

But, his next words made Rei realise it was a groundless worry.

As Tilleyle spoke in an exaggerated manner, Rei responded with a suspicious expression.

「So, who are you in the end?」

「I told you, didn’t I? I’m someone whose heart was stolen by Vihera-sama.」

「No, that’s why……haa. Theorem.」

If things continued like this, the conversation would never progress. Having judged that, Rei asked Theorem, who, with a faint smile on his face, spoke up.

「That’s right. When Vihera-sama was still in the empire, there was a faction called the Second Princess’s faction and he was a central figure in the faction. He was in charge of the administrative side. By the way, the person who was in charge of the military side was Count Obrisin. In fact, the reason why the Third Prince’s faction has any force worth mentioning other thank Vihera-sama is thanks to Tilleyle’s work behind the scenes.」

「I see.」

Rei exclaimed in surprise at Theorem’s words.

Indeed, when it came to combat strength, he only had a certain level of strength. You could tell by his demeanor and aura.

However, when it came to being in charge of the administrative side……in other words, domestic affairs, it was a different matter.

Since Rei wasn’t good at that kind of work, Tilleyle seemed like a very useful person to him.


(He looked at me quite threateningly. Well, I can pretty much guess why.)

The Second Princess’s faction……in other words, he was a subordinate of Vihera. The fact that someone who openly declared that they was enthralled by Vihera was looking at him like this meant that they knew how Vihera felt about him.

Rei hesitated for a moment about what to do, but it was Tilleyle who spoke first.

「Well then, let me show you to your tent.」

It was true that he did offer to guide Rei to his tent, so it was only natural for him to say that.

However, knowing how devoted Tilleyle was to Vihera, Theorem couldn’t just leave Rei in Tilleyle’s hands.

If he left Tilleyle in charge of guiding Rei and he messed with Rei in an untoward way, the whole camp might end up being burnt to the ground. If that happened, it would be terrible.

All his efforts to support the Third Prince’s faction would have been for nothing.

Of course, as the top civil servant under Vihera, he didn’t think Tilleyle would do something so foolish. But, considering his devotion to Vihera, he couldn’t completely ignore the possibility either.

As Theorem was lost in thought, Tilleyle smiled as he spoke.

「Don’t worry. I wouldn’t do anything so reckless. I just want to have a chat with him.」

Seeing Tilleyle’s expression as he nodded, Theorem saw that he held no negative emotions in his gaze and nodded back.

「Okay. I’ll let you guide him them.」

「Yes, leave it to me. I’ll show you how to get through this difficult situation!」

After saying that with exaggerated gestures, Tilleyle passed by Gurgast as he came to Rei’s side.

「Come on, let’s go. With your Griffon here, we’ll have to go to the edge of the camp, is that okay?」

「That’s fair. I have no problem with that.」

Since Set was with him, Rei saw Tilleyle’s opinion as only natural as he left the area.

Theorem looked a little worried while Cyanus remained expressionless as usual. Gurgast smiled, seeming to find it interesting. The rest of the soldiers were all speechless as they saw them off.



A few minutes after parting ways with Theorem and the others, Rei and Tilleyle were moving through the camp in silence.

Set, who was walking beside Rei, was also silent and didn’t make any noise.

This was because, as had been said earlier, they were making their way to the edge of the camp. There were hardly any soldiers around except those standing guard and the only sound that could be heard from the tents were the sleepy mumbles of the soldiers.

As they silently advanced under the bright moonlight, Tilleyle suddenly spoke up.

「Crimson……no, may I call you Rei?」

「You can call me either way, up to you.」

「Rei then. ……So, Rei. I heard about your relationship with Vihera-sama from Theorem.」

「……I see.」

So that was why he had been giving him such sharp looks. Rei seemed convinced at Tilleyle’s words.

「You already know what position I hold because Theorem told you about it, right?」

Seeing Rei nod in response, he once again fixed his gaze sharply on Rei as he spoke.

「So, can I assume that you understand that I am infatuated with Vihera-sama?」

「Well, considering your actions up until now, I guess so. You said it yourself.」

Considering his interactions with Theorem, it was clear that the person in front of him really was infatuated with Vihera. There was no doubting it when the person even said it themselves.

(And so, I’m the one Vihera loves, huh? ……I hope this doesn’t turn into trouble.

Rei turned to look at Set, who was walking close by, as he thought about it.

As long as Set was around, Tilleyle probably wouldn’t do anything strange. But, what if the person in front of him was so angry that he didn’t realise even that?

He seemed calm now, but Rei wondered if that was the result of him going through a state of rage.

He suddenly had that thought, but to Rei, Tilleyle still looked calm as could be.

「……What’s wrong? You’re being so careful……ah! Are you worried that I might attack you? It’s fine. At least, I don’t intend to do that right now.」

「Right now, you say……」

In other words, if there was a reason, he might do that.

Unless he knew what the reason was, Rei couldn’t feel at ease.

Perhaps he felt something in Rei’s attitude, Tilleyle spoke while under the moonlight pouring down.

「The idea that you are the object of Vihera-sama’s love……to be honest, I don’t find it very interesting. But in my case, I certainly do have a heartfelt affection for Vihera-sama, but it’s not towards Vihera-sama as a woman. I am attracted to her existence.」

「When you say it like that, it sounds like you’re saying that Vihera has no feminine charm.」

「I’m not joking!」

Rei had responded half jokingly, but what came back was an immediate reply with no hesitation.

Tilleyle continued, glaring at Rei with a sharper gaze than before.

「For me, Vihera-sama is simply someone whose presence captivates me. But that doesn’t mean she isn’t attractive to the opposite sex. I think you know better than anyone that Vihera-sama has very beautiful looks.」

「Well, that is certainly true.」

Rei agreed with Tilleyle’s words.

Vihera had an aggressive beauty to her, and while there were men with different preferences, most would definitely say she was attractive.

There was no doubt she was beautiful.

「Anyway, as someone who is infatuated by Vihera-sama, I will see what kind of person you are as we work together from now on.」

Hearing Tilleyle’s words, Rei’s eye’s twitched slightly.

Not to judge, but to see. in other words, he was basically declaring that he would only watch and not do anything.

「You’re being very patient. I thought you would say that you wanted to see if I was suitable to be Vihera’s partner.」

「……Of course, I personally don’t have any good feelings towards you, so it is true that there is that side to it. But I don’t think Vihera-sama would be attracted to a man like that.」

Tilleyle had an expression on his face as if he had just heard that the sun rises in the west and sets in the east.

Regardless of whether Tilleyle was infatuated with Vihera, Rei felt that Vihera was still someone who could get things wrong sometimes. Rei thought that in his mind, but didn’t say it out loud as it would only make the conversation more complicated.

Tilleyle continued speaking as he swept his hand across his face in a theatrical manner.

「Anyway, I can only pray that you are worthy of Vihera-sama. Please do not disappoint me.」

As he said that, he gave a graceful bow under the moonlight.

It was a bow that was hard to imagine, coming from someone of his rank of Viscount towards a mere adventurer.

But, to Tilleyle, his bow was a sign of his expectations of Rei and that he wouldn’t forgive him if he were to disappoint Vihera.


They exchanged silent glances for several seconds.

Finally, it was Tilleyle who broke the silence.

「Anyway, we’re almost at the place you can rest at. There, you can see it, right? It’s a spare tent that was prepared in case something couldn’t be stored in the supply delivery area or in case we got sudden visitors like now. It’s made of the same materials as a regular tent, so you shouldn’t have any trouble sleeping.」

As Tilleyle said that, he turned to look towards a number of tents similar to those used by the regular soldiers.

It seemed like they were all spare tents.

「Well, let’s talk about the details in the morning. The important thing is that Her Highness Vihera is asleep……and, there’s also the matter of His Highness Mercurio.」

「Mercurio? That’s the name of the Third Prince, right?」

「Yes. ……Well, you’ve probably asked Theorem about that as well. We’ll have more details tomorrow. Anyway, I need to get some sleep soon or my sensitivity will start to be affect, I’ll be off now.」

Rei saw Tilleyle off as he said that and couldn’t help but mutter to himself.


Normally, one would say it was bad for the skin or that it would make his brain stop working, so what was sensitivity about? While thinking about that, Rei entered the tent for the time being.

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5 thoughts on “Legend Chapter 682

  1. Pingback: Legend Chapter 682 | Silent Translations

  2. pokeperson1000

    Was rereading for fun, so…

    “When you say it liek that, it sounds like you’re saying that Vihera has no feminine charm”
    liek -> like

    1. SilentNumber Post author

      Thanks, also fixed a bunch of other typos that I’m not sure how I missed on the initial post.


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