Legend Chapter 702

With Mercurio’s gaze on him, Theorem thought for several seconds before speaking.

「Currently, there are several paths the rebel army can take. First, we can focus on offense or defense……」

He glanced towards Mercurio, then at Gurgast, and then finally at Rei, before speaking.

「Honestly, I don’t recommend focusing on defense. Even now, our rebel army’s fighting strength is very low compared to the punitive force and, as was said earlier, we are greatly inferior in terms of overall stamina. Furthermore, if we focus on defense, we will be giving the initiative over to the enemy.」

Theorem stopped speaking at that point, but everyone in the room……even Gurgast, could understand what his gaze meant.

Considering Gurgast’s forces, which were suited to attack……or more accurately, specialised in attack, defense was almost a waste for them.

Gurgast himself stood out the most as a representation of his own forces.

(Even if Rei was there, if we had to focus on defending, we would only be able to delay the point until our defeat.)

What was on Theorem’s mind was the potential to fortify their defense and leave the attack to Rei, accompanied by Set.

The giant fire tornado from the Spring War. If Rei used that, he could inflict damage on the punitive force unilaterally and not many people were even capable of fighting against Rei in the first place.

Even so, if they gave the initiative over to the enemy, it would only delay their own defeat.

Theorem considered using Rei to cut off the enemy’s supplies, but the battles were taking place in the Bestir Empire itself.

He quickly rejected the idea as even if some supplies were burned, they could be quickly replenished.

Attacking places like the Imperial Capital, towns, and villages might prevent the enemy from replenishing supplies, but if Mercurio were to give the order, his reputation would be ruined, even if he won the civil war.

After all, who would be friendly towards someone who gave the order to burn their towns and villages.

If it had been a war between countries, there would have been no problem taking such measures, but since this was a civil war taking place inside the Bestir Empire, such measures were not an option.

And so, within Theorem’s mind, the option of defending had already been completely rejected.

「And, if we were to go on the offensive……we have a few options.」

Mercurio nodded and urged him to continue.

「First, as Gurgast said earlier, we could advance straight to the Imperial Capital with all our strength. To be honest, with the military power of Rei, it’s not a plan that has a high chance of failing, but if it does fail, the damage would be too great. It’s very risky, so I don’t think it’s the option we should take in our current situation.」

「Hmmm……but if it works out, the civil war itself will end quickly. In other words, the time taken won’t be wasted and the power of the Bestir Empire will not be reduced unnecessarily?」

Gurgast muttered, but the root of his thoughts were not on the national power of the Bestir Empire, but because he wanted to fight.

Knowing this, Theorem spoke the next option.

「Next, we could send people to the territories of the nobles around the Obrisin County and draw them to our side to expand our influence.」

Several nobles in the room nodded their heads without much thought at Theorem’s words.

Even if they were cooperating with the rebel army, for those who wanted to avoid hurting their own military strength as much as possible, expanding their influence through negotiations seemed like a good option.

However……Theorem shook his head.

「Indeed at first glance, it may seem like that would be the best course of action for us, but it would take too much time. If we expand our influence further, it would mean that we need to protect it as well.」

「Please wait a moment. Since this is a civil war, it is a fight between fellow countrymen. ……No, rather, we’ll use that as the basis for the argument.」

One of the nobles clarified their words, probably because they remembered that Rei was an adventurer from the Mireana Kingdom.

The noble turned to look at Rei for a moment before speaking again.

「Since we’re from the same country, isn’t it enough to leave a minimum fighting force behind to protect each other?」

「No, unfortunately it’s the opposite. It’s because we are from the same country that our actions tend to become more extreme. There’s no guarantee that members of the punitive force won’t go out of control and commit acts of violence like plundering villages and towns.」

「That is……no matter how……」

The noble was about to say that such a thing was impossible, but the way the people around him looked at him made his voice quieter.

While not exactly the same, it was similar to what people called sibling rivalry. It was because they came from the same country that they could behave cruelly towards those in a different faction from themselves.

With the explanation laid out, the noble could only remain silent.

Theorem glanced briefly at the man, who believed in the goodness of people, before speaking again.

「In that case, we will advance toward the Imperial Capital. However, unlike Lord Gurgast’s previous proposal, we will only advance to a certain point. After all, as I explained, if we place too many places under our influence, we will not be able to defend them.」

「I see. In that case, your aim is to have them attack us and then intercept them to reduce their forces?」

Theorem nodded in response to Mercurio’s words.

「That’s right. Either way, it’s not realistic for us to defeat all of Prince Kabajid, Prince Shurus, and Princess Frizione’s forces on our own……」

Theorem stopped talking for a moment and turned to look at Rei.

However, he quickly looked away before continuing.

「It’s not realistic. Considering Vihera-sama and Rei, it may be possible in terms of military strength, but if that were to happen, it would undoubtedly create fires of resentment after the end of the civil war.」

「That is certainly true. It’s not like we can just kill off all our enemies.」

Several people’s eyes widened in shock at the threatening words that came of Mercurio’s mouth.

They probably didn’t expect him to say something that fierce, considering his usual temperament.

However, this fierceness was also a side of Mercurio.

He usually didn’t show it, but only because there was no need to.

Having lived as a member of the royal family……and being born into one where it was natural for those with the right to inherit the throne to fight each other, it was only natural for Mercurio to have a fierce……or one might say, ruthless side to him.

Theorem knew this and nodded without showing any particular concern.

「I’d like to keep the killing to a minimum if possible. Besides, even if I use the plan Rei suggested before, it would be more convenient to intercept them.」

When Rei’s plan was mentioned, everyone in the magic tent turned their gazes towards him.

Whoever, the person in question only shrugged his shoulders in response.

In fact, it was true that whether the plan would work or not was close to a gamble.

That said, Theorem, Mercurio, Vihera and the others judged that with Rei and Set present, it wasn’t that much of a gamble.

「Anyway, what’s going on with the nobles captured in the last battle? I believe we were talking about extracting a ransom?」

「Yeah, that’s going well. Prince Shurus won’t be able to make any rash moves until that is resolved.」

Theorem answered Rei’s question, which was asked out of curiosity.

Many people seemed to already be aware of the ransom negotiations as few were surprised.

「In that case, the next one to attack won’t be Shurus but Kabajid and……what was her name? Vihera’s sister……」

「You mean Frizione?」

「Right, or Frizione. What are the chances of others……say, the Imperial Army, attacking?」

Everyone looked at Rei with surprise when he called the royal family by their first names without any titles, but they quickly looked away, as if giving up.

They gave up mostly because they already knew how Rei treated Vihera and Mercurio.

Since he didn’t show any particular respect for Mercurio, who was the top leader of the rebel army, it was only natural that he wouldn’t respect someone who was their enemy.

In fact, if he treated the enemy with respect when he didn’t respect Mercurio or Vihera in this situation, that would be a problem in of itself.

「The Imperial Army should not move. This is a battle between those involved with the right to the throne. Because of that, I don’t think the Imperial Army will join this battle. Also, there is no guarantee that other countries or people within the Empire won’t try to take advantage of the situation. They will have to deal with that.」

Though he said that, Theorem’s face didn’t show any sign of being convinced by his own words.

To be precise, he said that because he was concerned about that possibility.

(Many people in the Imperial Army support Prince Shurus. Considering that, it wouldn’t be strange if some people left the Imperial Army to cooperate with Prince Shurus. If that happens, it will be tough for Prince Kabajid and Princess Frizione, whose main fighting force comprises of the nobles in their factions.)

Theorem muttered to himself, but didn’t include themselves in the list because they had Rei, an absolute trump card.

There were others with high combat abilities such as Vihera, Gurgast, and himself, who was skilled enough to earn the title of Flash.

In addition, he had a secret weapon in the form of the Demon Soldiers, who had been active in the Spring War.

Considering that, he once again realised that fighting with known forces on both sides was advantageous for the rebel army.

However, he also understood that just because Rei was in the army wasn’t enough for them to feel safe.

(Indeed, Rei showed his strenght by coming second in the fighting tournament. After that and the Spring War, no one will underestimate him anymore……but that also means that Rei’s means have been exposed. If the other side finds out that Rei is here, they will naturally think of a countermeasure, and Prince Kabajid can probably easily guess that Rei is with the rebel army.)

They were probably thinking the same thing in their hearts. Theorem and Mercurio exchanged glances to communicate with each other.

「Either way, the next to attack will either be Prince Kabajid or Princess Frizione. I wonder if they shared the information from the last battle…… NO, if they are planning to defeat a common enemy, Prince Mercurio, then we can assume they have shared the information.」

Theorem glanced over towards Vihera, Gurgast, and Tilleyle.

The three of them had played an active role in the last battle.

And since they undoubtedly knew information about him, who had delivered the fatal blow, their next move would be to……

「The next battle will be a crushing victory for us with less casualties than the last battle. With that in mind, I hope our next opponent will be Prince Kabajid.」

Not only Vihera and Mercurio……everyone else except Rei nodded at Theorem’s words.

Of their remaining opponents, it could be said with certainty that Kabajid was their true enemy.

The other……Vihera’s sister, Frizione, was popular in the Bestir Empire for her kindness. If they fought carelessly against her, they could potentially be looked at harshly by the people.

Of course, if they had to fight, they had to. However, from the perspective of the rebel army, having the support of the people made a huge difference.

「Anyway, I would like to move our camp forward in a few days. Everyone please start preparing.」

Everyone nodded at Theorem’s words.

The camp had already expanded to the size of a small village. Considering that, moving camp would undoubtedly take a lot of time and effort.

It was clear that everyone would be busy preparing to move camp.

(They really don’t seem like rebels. There are also merchants from the surrounding villages and towns. Maybe it’s because this is the Obrisin County.)

As Theorem gave various warnings, Rei thought about the strange environment he was in……and smiled as he thought of the next battle, in which he would likely play a part.

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