Legend Chapter 708

The argument surrounding the White Rose Knights continued in front of Rei.

Rei watched on quietly for a while, but seeing the argument start to calm down, he spoke up.

「They said that Frizione ordered them to contact Mercurio. They have taken the people who attacked them prisoner and are heading for this camp now.」

「……Sister ordered them to? Certainly, it’s natural to assume that their presence had to have been on Frizione’s orders……but why at this time?」

Mercurio tilted his head as he muttered to himself.

It would have been perfectly reasonable to assume she would have contacted him before the civil war began, but the war had already begun.

And, the reason why the civil war began in the first place……was because Frizione had teamed up with Kabajid and Shurus to imprison him.

What is she doing now? It was only natural to have such questions.

As a side note, although Frizione was his sister, unlike Vihera, she was his half-sister, so he didn’t feel as close to her.

「I don’t know what sister is thinking, but there must be some reason for her to send her knights here. To put it bluntly, I think she wants us siblings for avoid fighting with each other.」

「……For Frizione, that seems like a thing she would do.」

Remembering his sister’s personality, Mercurio sighed softly at Vihera’s words.

If it had been before the bloodshed started, they might have been able to resolve the issue through discussion.

But now, a civil war had broken out and fighting had already taken place against the punitive force. Neither the rebels nor the punitive force could retreat.

So, the reason why they would be looking to contact him at this time could only be……

「It must be to ask for our surrender.」

Tilleyle muttered.

「That’s right. Princess Frizione probably wants to avoid any more bloodshed.」

Theorem agreed with Tilleyle’s words, and the other two, knowing their sister’s character, nodded as they came to the same conclusion.

「Well, we’ll know what the White Rose Knights were sent out when we meet them in person. They’re heading this way now, so what do we want to do?」

If they wanted to request something, they could make a decision after meeting them in person.

「I agree with Rei. Even if they have some sort of plan in mind, there’s no point thinking about it here.」

Among the nobles in the magic tent, those who agreed with Gurgast’s words nodded.

Theorem, who had been observing the situation, turned his gaze towards Rei again.

「Rei, since you’ve met a member of the White Rose Knights in person, I want to ask you. Did they seem like they were up to something?」

Rei shook his head at Theorem’s question.

「From what I saw, she didn’t seem like the type of person who would pull such tricks. But purely as a fighter, she seemed quite skilled.」

The two battle crazy maniacs, Vihera and Gurgast, reacted suddenly to Rei’s words.

Knowing what they were thinking, Theorem and Rei continued speaking without worrying about it.

「So, they have no intention of harming Prince Mercurio?」

「That’s just my first impression though. But, no matter what I say, even if I say it’s safe, you’re not going to just believe me and not assign guards……right?」

「Of course.」

Theorem answered immediately.

In fact, if Mercurio, the leader of the rebel army, were to lose his life, it would mean the downfall of the rebel army……and all of those who were part of the rebel army.

There was no way they would let him meet an emissary from the enemy without any guards.

「I don’t think there’s a problem with that. They might be skilled, but I don’t think they’d do anything strange when we’re fully prepared.」

「……Indeed. But there’s always the chance. I’m sorry, but I’d like to have you present as well, Rei. Is that okay?」

Several people who hadn’t seen Rei’s power with their own eyes looked displeased at Theorem’s words, feeling that their abilities had been looked down on.

However, since the rest of the nobles had nodded in agreement, they couldn’t voice their opposition.

As for Rei, the person in question……

「Well, I’ll do it if you ask me to, but is it necessary? We have Vihera, Theorem, and Gurgast. I’m sure you have other forces you can hide as well.」

The hidden forces Rei was referring to were the Demon Soldiers, but it seemed like some people were unaware of them as they looked puzzled at Rei’s words.

「Better safe than sorry. In fact, if they know that you are here, it will act as a deterrent. Even if the White Rose Knights are plotting something, they will know it’s useless if you are there. Didn’t you defeat those attacking them?」

「I won’t deny that. Well, if you insist, I don’t have anything else to do aside from eating, so I’ll be happy to cooperate. That said, you’ll have to give me food, okay?」

Theorem frowned slightly at Rei’s words.

That was because he had seen with his own eyes how much Rei and Set could eat from their journey to the Bestir Empire.

If they let Rei and set eat whatever they wanted, the rebel army might run out of food.

It was only natural for him to think that.

Perhaps realising the same thing after seeing Theorem’s reaction, Rei shrugged his shoulder as he spoke up.

「I’m not saying you have to take care of all our meals from now on. I’m just curious about the food you’re eating, so let me try some. Of course, the more the better.」

After hearing Rei’s words, Theorem thought it would be best to just agree. He turned to glance at Mercurio.

Even without a word being exchanged, Mercurio understood that Theorem was seeking his permission and nodded immediately.

How much food could Rei and Set eat in one meal? It was a decision he made because he hadn’t experience it, but it wasn’t the wrong decision.

「Since I have received permission from Prince Mercurio, I will do that. So, when will the White Rose Knights arrive at the camp?」

「Well, they said they were hurrying, so it should be about now……」

Just as Rei said that, one of hte knights guarding the entrance to the magic tent entered, as if right on time.

「Pardon me. It seems that the White Rose Knights, a unit directly under Princess Frizione, have come to request a meeting with Prince Mercurio. I’m sure you’ve heard about it, but……」

The knight turned to Rei for a moment as he spoke.

This was because he guessed that permission had been granted, considering Rei had entered the tent earlier saying he had urgent business.

And, he was correct.

「Yes, I have heard about it. Let them through immediately.」


The knight nodded at Theorem’s words before leaving.

Seeing the knight leave, Mercurio eventually spoke up.

「Well, with that said, I will be meeting with the members of the White Rose Knights. I would like everyone except sister, Theorem, Tilleyle, Gurgast, and Rei to leave the room.」

『Prince Mercurio?!』

The noble all raised their voices in unison.

They hadn’t expected to be told to leave.

However, Mercurio showed no signs of compromising as he spoke.

「The people I just mentioned should be enough of a guard.」

Those words were certainly true. With such a large number of people fortifying the defenses, no one would be able to harm Mercurio, no matter what.

Furthermore, he also had Demon Soldiers secretly guarding him.

It would be a different story if they were facing someone monstrously strong, like Noiz, of course.

「No! As Your Highness said, there are definitely enough guards. But, if we meet their messenger with so few subordinates, we will be looked down on.」

When one of the nobles said that, Mercurio gave a small smile.

「Even if you say that, as you know, I’m just the leader of the rebel army. If you think about it, it’s not a surprise for them to look down on us. Besides, don’t you think it would be good for us if they were to underestimate us?」

Hearing this, the noble wanted to speak further, but……

「His Highness Mercurio has already given his orders, so follow them.」

Theorem interupted the nobles.

Some of the nobles seemed unhappy with Theorem.

However, they judged there was no point in saying anything more and quietly left the tent.

「It’s fine, Mercurio. I’m sure some of them acted that way for their own gain, but some of them were genuinely worried about you.」

「I understand what you’re trying to say, but it’s Frizione after all. I wonder what she has to say. It would be troublesome if it caused some confusion.」

First Princess Frizione. Her kindness was known, but her occasional unexpected behaviour was not known to most people outside her family and close friends.

And yet, their sister had gone out of her way to send her White Rose Knights. There had to be something going on. Mercurio wasn’t wrong for thinking so.

Perhaps understanding that, Vihera gave a small smile.

Although Vihera had run away from the Bestir Empire several years ago, it hadn’t been that long that she had forgotten what her sister was like.

「She’s the same as always.」


It was probably because they were now a small group of people that he trusted. Mercurio relaxed as he nodded.

Rei didn’t know if Mercurio considered himself to be one of the people he trusted, but he could tell that Mercurio was only watching him carefully and without any hostility.

As they continued to talk, the knight from earlier entered the magic tent again.

「Pardon me. I’ve brought the members of the White Rose Knights. Also, we’ve already received information about the prisoners brought by the White Rose Knights.」

Behind the knight who was speaking, Rei could see Widele and her four subordinates.

Her eyes seemed to twitch for a moment, perhaps because there were fewer people in the magic tent that she had expected.

She had to leave her weapons behind before entering, so she might be killed. Widele must have had that thought.

Even so, she showed no signs of fear, likely because they were a group of knights who served the First Princess.

That said, some confusion could be seen in her eyes when she saw Rei among the people waiting for them.

It was only natural as she had seen how strong Rei and Set were just a little while ago.

「Your Highness Mercurio, it’s an honour to meet you. I am Widele, captain of the third division of the White Rose Knights.」

Widele bowed as she spoke, but also understood that they were technically on enemy territory and didn’t kneel.

The other four were the same, and although they had left their weapons behind before entering the tent to meet Mercurio……or perhaps because of this, they didn’t let their guard down.

「Yes. I remember hearing about you from my sister before. I heard that you were a brave and loyal member of the White Rose Knights. So, what business does a person like you have to come all the way to the rebel army, which could be said to be my sister’s enemies.」

Widele was a little surprised that Mercurio knew her name, but quickly took out an envelope.

「Princess Frizione asked me to deliver this to Prince Mercurio.」



Theorem gave a short reply at Mercurio’s words and took the envelope that Widele was holding.

He handed it over to Mercurio, who confirmed the wax seal was his sister’s before opening it.

Inside were several letters.

He glanced over them before……


He gave a small laugh……that gradually grew louder and louder.

It seemed like there was something very funny. His laughter echoed throughout the tent.

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