Here’s Chapter 212,
We get a quick shift to Elena, who decides that since it will take a long time for Rei’s letter to get to her, she might as well send her own first.
Completing their respective tasks, Scorching Wind, Rei and Set decide to hop over to the Satisfied Stomach.
Chapter was a bit late as it seems I’ve gone down with the flu bug that has been going around my workplace and family.
I thought I wouldn’t get it, but here I am.
Fortunately, I seem to have avoided getting stuck in bed, but went to sleep earlier last night and decided to push the translations to later this morning.
With only exams left, I’ve been putting a few more days into work and working on planning out a D&D 5E campaign I’m DM’ing for friends.
I should totally focus on exam revision first actually, but that’s procrastination for you.
EDIT: A repost of the 212 link as it appears that I overwrote the chapter 211 link when I posted this chapter.