Category Archives: Legend

Legend Chapter 418

Here’s Chapter 418,

Chapter 418, the last chapter of the year.
For everyone reading this, thanks for reading.
It’s been six years since I started, definitely doesn’t feel like it’s been that long ahaha.
No idea how long I can keep this up, but here’s to 2022 eh?

Legend Chapter 417

Here’s Chapter 417,

Merry Christmas everyone!
It’s Boxing Day for me by the time this releases, but should be Christmas day for anyone west of the GMT line.
Here’s a Christmas present I guess? Not really is it, since it’s just a standard release ahahaha.

Legend Chapter 416

Here’s Chapter 416,

Just a thought, as mentioned in the last chapter, a lot of people think of vast sandy seas, like the Sahara Desert, when deserts are mentioned. In reality, a lot of deserts are just dried out ground with low vegetation, equally inshospitable but not nearly as magnificent looking.

Legend Chapter 415

Here’s Chapter 415,

Not much to say, feeling quite sleep deprived because I thought it was a good idea to stay up until 4:30am finishing Endwalker on Monday, It’s the end of the week and my sleep schedule still hasn’t recovered ahahaha.

On the bright side, I’m officially on holiday for the next three weeks.

Legend Chapter 414

Here’s Chapter 414,

Ever gone shopping for a trip only to realise you already have most of what you need?

Chapter is a bit late, ended up translating it this morning instead of last night because I was too busy powering through the 5th Endwalker zone.

Legend Chapter 410

Here’s Chapter 410,

The seventh floor is strangely quiet.

Side note, I’ve seen people discussing whether or not this turns into a harem series.
My input on it, as far as I’ve read, which is only bits and pieces of later story arcs, I don’t believe this turns into a harem series. There are some reasons for it, but spoilers, so you’ll just have to find out later ahahaha.