Here’s Chapter 606,
Let’s see what the Third Prince’s faction are up to.
Here’s Chapter 606,
Let’s see what the Third Prince’s faction are up to.
Here’s Chapter 605,
Well who would have thought?
I wonder if there’s any ulterior motive.
EDIT: Sorry, post didn’t come out but chapter did, fixed now.
Here’s Chapter 604,
Rei’s here for business and business is……failing?
Here’s Chapter 603,
We all know that someone who goes a bit too crazy during parties.
Here’s Chapter 602,
It’s Rhodes’ turn to fight.
Here’s Chapter 601,
That’s the qualifying rounds out the way, nice and easy.
Here’s Chapter 600,
And so the tournament arc starts!
EDIT: Whoops, post never posted, chapter did though.
Here’s Chapter 599,
And that’s the end of this arc, onto the Fighting Tournament arc.
Now, I know tournament arcs have a bad rep, but this one’s not too long and the arc after it is called Bestir Empire Civil War so……something is definitely going down.
Here’s Chapter 598,
It only just occurred to me that Requiem’s Toll is probably not the best translation, although it flows well. Just for context, the Toll here refers to a bell’s toll and not a payment Toll. So the name means a bell ringing for a requiem rather than a payment being made for a requiem, although given the context of their work, both still fit.
Also, the next chapter is the last one for this arc before we start the Fighting Tournament arc.
Here’s Chapter 597,
Daska and Elk are feeling quite bored, and someone has come to provide them entertainment.