Legend Chapter 271

Here’s Chapter 271,

What magic could Rei be thinking of I wonder……

Based on last week’s poll, Ara vs Arla……has basically gone to a 50/50 split.
As such, I will hold off any name changes for now.
On the other hand, one name change that is going through is ‘Imperial Capital’ -> ‘Royal Capital’.
I’ll be honest, it’s felt a bit weird to call a kingdom’s capital ‘Imperial’ rather than ‘Royal’.
I will be updating past chapters, but that may take some time.

Also based on comments last week, a lot of you seem to want me to move to at least 2 chapters per week. Well, I’ll give that a shot then. Chapters will now come out on Sundays and Mondays, at least, if I can sustain it. We’ll see, eh?

5 thoughts on “Legend Chapter 271

  1. Masterzeus

    Thanks man!!! But please, keep yourself healthy, I’d rather have 1 chapter / week abd you in good health than 2 chapter while tiring you to death.

    Not sure if what I just wrote was written right

  2. SFcipher

    That is a great news that if you release extra chapter per week. However, please don’t overburden yourself. Thanks and stay safe.

  3. V4NQU1SH

    Wow~ Thanks in advance for 2 chapters per week but please don’t overwork yourself. 1 chapter is better than no chapter if you overwork and got sick.

  4. Deadscream Bloody Mary

    Thank you for your hard work.
    I am happy to know there will be 2 chapter a week.

    I hope you stay healthy in body and mind in this “Plague Tale” situation.

  5. Baranok

    Just keep to your own pace man. No one is expecting you to finish a novel this long, so don’t overwork yourself.


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