Category Archives: Legend

Legend Chapter 477

Here’s Chapter 477,

Okay, I’ve got confirmation from wording that Yellow is male.
Which means I’m going to go back and update all previous chapters to reflect that.
Hadn’t been sure up to now, which had kinda annoyed me so at least it’s good to have that sorted now.
It will probably be another week before everything gets updated.

Legend Chapter 472

Here’s Chapter 472,

Okay, so this must have been something that I’ve either forgotten or the author never mentioned.
Rei and Set can’t absorb magic stones using the Magic Beast Art unless they had some hand in killing the monster which the magic stone belonged to. That is why he can’t just buy up magic stones that he hasn’t absorbed before.

Legend Chapter 470

Here’s Chapter 470,

Sorry this ended up being later in the week than planned.
Ended up having to deal with several other things during the week.
Side note, you will not believe the pure rage I had when I went to submit my 49.8MB presentation file on Monday night only to be greeted with this message.